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Philosophical View on Cannabis.

Potential Risks - Part 1.

Let's start by exploring the potential harmful effects of cannabis and then discover the healing effects. I'm by no means claming to have consumed Marijuna, or have smoked a blunt. I'm simply unfolding to you the reader: scientific and philosophical views of understanding the herb. Weather we call marijuana a "drug" or not, is up for debate but we cannot deny that it's a plant. Growing from earth and has been avaliable since Egyptian times. The plant has a history and meaning that we don't completely understand in western cultures or anywhere else in current times. There are however, people that have discovered psychedelic art all around the world. Like art in caves, inside the Egyptian pyramids and so on.

Nevertheless cannabis can be addictive. We know from psychological discoveries that substances like cannabis, sugar, pharmasutical drugs and alcohol does create emotional depence when consumed frequently. People that are dependent on the plant may experience anxiety and depression when quitting the herb: those withdrawals can vary in intensity and are experienced for about 1 to 23 days. Alcohol is worse. Nervertheless, cannabis does have a shadow and according to studies in health and fitness. It's better to create a lifestyle where sobriety manifest happiness everyday. By choosing to engage life affirmative habits like working out, meditating, drink water and eating healthy. The quality of life is improved everyday, like everything in nature: we continue the evolution or destruct. That's the yin and yang balance of reality itself.

How to Quit An Emotional Dependence.

The reason why I'm getting philosophical is because people dependent on Marijuana may think that without the herb they will not experience joy anymore. And the easiest way to open the mind to new ideas and ways of living is by studying philosophy, history and psychology. Like reading a book in nature for three hours, or listening to interesting podcasts are great ways to attain knowledge. Knowledge about the self, how to achieve Self Mastery and how history repeats itself.

When you change your habits you change your life.

The Lazy Weed User Stereotype.

Some humans do become lazy when consuming cannabis, they get the stereotypical called "munchies" and start over indulging in all sort of weak behavior. Some humans however are able to smoke large amount of cannabis daily and still remain focused and committed to work. Steve Jobs, Joe Rogan and Jimmie Hendrix are three examples of successful individuals that managed to smoke and create empires of creative greatness and wealth.

The reason why some people get lazy is fairly obvious. Since marijuana stimulate the cannabinoid receptors you almost instantly feel at ease after smoking. You feel high and well, worries vanish. While these effects make some people more creative and focused: It makes some people forget about other important activities. While the sober person might think "I have to workout or go for a run to get rid of my stress". The lazy marijuana user might think "I can just smoke a joint and watch some TV shows and feel good temporarily". It's easy to fall into lazy behavior when reality feels estatic, and that's how depence is created. Dependent people get most of their joy in life by smoking the herb, and fail to find joy in longterm character building activities. Like going for a hike, reading a book, working on a business, meditating or lifting weights at the gym. Activities like these release dopamine naturally, which makes you feel even better.

I know that the famous body builder Arnold Schwarzenegger used to smoke marijuana once he was done working. And he sometimes worked for 16 hours. There are pictures of him smoking cannabis right after a workout, he rewarded himself with the herb once he had completed a day of hard work. That's a much more productive way of using the plant than being the stereotypical stoner that just watches tv, plays videogames and smokes weed.

Picture of The president who got Assasinated: probably because of his open mindset, noble intentions and high level intelligence. John F Kennedy smoking weed.

Summary: The plant is not a toxic drug, unconscious emotions and trauma create toxic addictions. Everyone are different, some function well smoking everyday, some should avoid the herb.

Part 2 - Is Marijuana a Healthy Herb Ally?

Let's discover the healing effects of the herb, and where in today's society we may have developed a rather strange mindset toward the herb. Or perhaps an estrange attitude toward nature in general.

1. Calmness and Creativity.

Many cannabis users become more calm and in the moment while smoking the herb. A small minority become intensely paranoid. A light anxiety may appear when the herb temporarily effect the usual reality. Those effects usually appear in people that are inexperienced with the herb, and should probably smoke a little bit less. Three big inhales is a good start, then wait half an hour and see how you feel. The way to having a smooth, calm and creative experience is to actually plan what to do.

Like spend some time with friends and talk, write in a journal, go for a nature walk, practice an instrument, spend time with a lover, work on a business project and so on. These are just ideas on how to experience that smooth and creative high. Another great way of becoming creative and calm while consuming the plant, is to read and listen to classical music. People claim to hear those classical tones and melodies with bliss and access the flow state.

2. Compassion and Empathy.

Many people feel emotions of wonder, compassion and joy when consuming the herb. Making it easier to empathize with other humans. Be here and now, in the sensual moment.

Red wines are created with antioxidant in the skin of grapes. Antioxidants reduce oxidative stress in the body and makes you more sesual. Cannabis has similar effects and reduce stress. It's easy to understand how these effects make human emotions more receptible to experience love and compassion. However, overindulging in alcohol and weed can cause the opposite effect.

3. How to Consume Weed With Safety.

We do know from studies that marijuana should be consumed in limited amounts just like wine to minimize the risks of depression and anxiety. One to two glasses of wine is fine, a bottle a day is alcoholic. One to three joints per day (1-2 grams) is not going to harm most people. However, people that smoke five to ten grams per day are overindulding.

Now, the herb is easy to consume. It's smoked with a bong, pipe (like they use in the first Lord of The Rings Book). Or smoked with a joint or blunt.

Conclusion of the blog: there is no reason to illigalize the herb, it's been around for more than 9000 years. Humans all around the world consume the herb now days. It can be addictive, but many just use marijuana to feel good, meditate, relax, socialize and be more creative.

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