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Break Free From The Feeling of Anxiety

Updated: Sep 14, 2021


We have all experienced the sensation of anxiety, it appears in the physiology: usually in the lower belly and solar plexus. You feel a sense of discomfort, your breathing pattern becomes shallow and you are unable to speak with confidence because thoughts of anxiety unconsciously tigger thoughts of anxiety. It becomes a viscious circle. This blogpost will give you advice on how to break free from the feeling of anxiety.

Part 1 - Take Action and Develop Core Confidence.

Anxiety is a form of self-destruction, we feel it whenever we feel out of control in life. Perhaps it's financial stress, perhaps the anxiety is about not having the health you desire or perhaps the anxiety is about being lonely, not having friends or a lovable parter of the opposite sex. Either way, the feeling of anxiety remains the same: it triggers unrealistic levels of adrenaline and triggers the fear and or aggression. Anxiety can actually be transmutated into aggression, that's why some drug addicts for instance can become extremely anxious (paranoid) and make stupid mistakes.

For most people however, the feeling of anxiety causes other issues. You make an impulsive decision to eat junk food or sugar because you feel anxious. You make an impulsive decision to scream at someone because you're anxious. You make an impulsive decision to play videogames instead of studying or working because you're anxious. You don't dare to ask that person out on a date because you're anxious, on and on. What we realize here is that the feeling of anxiety triggers an unconscious impulsive response, and it's annoying and painful. The anxiety makes us worry about the past and future instead of being grounded and confident in the present moment. The only way to dissolve unconscious anxiety is to heal the root cause for anxiety, which is emotional wounds and traumas. Which is located in the physiology. In other words, you have to physically and mentally battle the anxiety by conquering it.

Battle Money Anxiety: Many people in today's society struggle with money because they overspend, and earn to little money. They feel stuck in a viscious cycle of working a 9-5 job they hate, just to earn some money for rent, food and barely have anything left for having fun and investing. We have been taught that education is the only way to make it, that having a 9-5 job is the only way to get payed. We feel as if we don't have money we don't fit into this civilized society and that causes anxiety. We feel worthless and envy those that are millionaires, thriving and becoming successful. We feel anxiety becuase we know time is limited, one day we will all die and we don't want to waste a beautiful lifetime working like slaves for some stupid boss at a job we don't even enjoy.

So this anxiety is actually very real, because it has to do with survival. So the only way to battle this unconscious anxiety is to create a strategic plan on how to become wealthy longterm. When you have a longterm stratgic plan written down, you can learn to mentally think yourself away from the present moment: realizing that six months from now you'll be much wealthier and in 1 year from now you'll be much wealthier. When you have a strategic plan, a budget and goals, there is nothing that can stop you except your own laziness. Entrepreneurs become millionaires because they seek knoweldge, have a strategic plan and take consistent action until they attain the desired goals. There are plenty of people who are millionaires, happy, healthy and lovable. That could be you aswell, because if one person has already achieved it, so can you!

Don't worry about wealth: create a strategy, goals and take daily action to create the lifestyle and money you desire.

Battle Loneliness Anxiety: If you're lonely for instance and want to find a partner of the opposite sex: you must force yourself to go out to a bar alone or the park and approach. Recognize what your thought pattern is, are you thinking "what are others going to think about me" while feeling an intense feeling of anxiety in the gut. Or are you able to just be at the bar, scan the enviroment and feel gut confidence in the present moment. A person with core confidence doesn't care what others think, he would go to the bar, enjoy a drink or two and find some good looking girls to enjoy time with without having an end goal in mind. Just communicate regularly and have fun in the moment.

Since many men struggle with approaching girls in modern age, this is an essential practice if you want to find beautiful girls to date. Train your emotions and mind to be familiar with enjoying time with new people, pay attention to your breathing pattern and what you're feeling in the moment. Realize that the anxiety is not you, it's just an illusion that hinders you from being the greatest version of yourself. Anxiety wants to keep you in the comfort zone, it wants you addicted to a various amounts of forms of escapism and not approach reality. Anxiety wants you to watch porn, play videogames and eat junk food because it's more comfortable than going out there to live life or hunt goals!

When I personally felt alone because I didn't have a girlfriend: I didn't waste time at home feeling sorry for myself and endulging in negative behaviors. I would force myself to appraoch at least 1 new girl everyday, write down in my journal how to imporve my confidence and communication skills after each rejection. I eventually dissolved the anxiety, got plenty of numbers, great responses, dates and found multiple girlfriends that genuinely love me for who I am. I'm currently in a relationship with a beautiful charming girl and I meet her in an elevator. The girlfriend I had before my current girlfriend, I meet at a bar, and the one before that I meet at a club. On and on and on... Simply by daring to talk with new humans you learn to form genuine relationships and not fear others. There is no reason to fear men or women, we are all having a breif human experience together. View yourself as a confident king or queen and realize that you're adding value to others by approaching them, not distrubring their time. Others usually get excited when you approach them because we humans love adventures and suprises.

So do everything in your power to conquer the unconscious anxiety by taking action outside of your comfort zone will you develop the core confident to live the life of your dreams.

Part 2 - Use Anger To Battle Anxiety.

Get angry at the world for making you feel anxiety, because you didn't have anxiety when you were a child. A wild lion doesn't feel anxious, he gets aggressive and hunts after what he wants fearlessly with ambition.

Children are similar, we had a sense of fearlessness and ambition: there are no limits to the childs mind, to the child everything is achievable. The child wants to be a millionaire entrepreneur, an austronaute, an athlete, own a big house, become the best painter in the world or write best selling books. Then as the child grows a little bit older, those dreams are crushed by the education system and parents. We are taught to think "realistically", find a normal job and not pursue our unique ambitions.

This process causes a lot of emotional wounding and crushes the childs confidence. The child grows up and feels emotionally and spiritually trapped because they are not allowed to act out their creative spirit. Instead of painting or practicing a sport: boring school tasks begin to occupy their minds causing anxiety and depression. Some kids learn to stay passionaire. They relentlessly work on a business until they succeed. Relentlessly write or paint until they succeed. The anxiety will vanish, and the aggression will trasmutate into creative elevation and peace of mind. Gotta work with those dark emotions to find more creative and peaceful emotions.

Part 3 - Create a Powerful Morning Routine.

You have the ability to create a healthy and powerful morning routine that allows you to battle anxiety the first thing in the morning and feel vitally alive

and refreshed in the moment.

Examples of morning routine:

  1. Workout at the gym alone or with a friend that motivates you.

  2. Meditate for 15 minutes and write your thoughts and goals in a journal.

  3. Do yoga for 45 minutes and drink a cup of tea and read.

These are just some examples, but you can make a unique morning routine with different practices that refreshed your mind, body and soul before the day starts. I personally have a very disciplined morning routine. It's challening, but I feel confident almost like i'm walking on air once the routine is completed. Find a routine that energizes you, that make you feel creative and powerful.

My routine is the following...

- Morning meditation to wake up.

- Journal for 30 minutes, write daily goals and drink coffee.

- Workout at the gym for 90 minutes (60 min weight lifting, 30 min cardio).

- Take an ice cold shower and start the day.

Meditation and working out are supremely effective at dissolving anxiety because all of those practices allows your cells to be vitalized with ogygen and activate endorphins in the brain naturally which makes you feel good and vitally alive in the moment.

Thanks for reading my daily blogpost: click on the image below for strategy and coaching.

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