To be creative means to be deeply focused and blissfully alive in the moment at the same time. When creatives in all fields feel focused they transform creatively and access the mental state called "flow state". Today's blog will be about becoming creative, focused, learning to be both rational and irrational with work and open minded to unleash creativity. Hope you enjoy the read.
How To Focus
Have a schedule: I've read the book of the public speaker and best selling author, Jordan B Peterson. Seen many of his lecture and gained this advice primarily from him. The advice was about creating a schedule, that include work, organizing, studying and fun times with others. When I started becoming disciplined and focused with a schedule I realized that im capable of transforming my habits.
Commit to a clear goal: when you have created a schedule you can also include 1-3 weekly goals. And you could use a journal to write down 3 to 6 daily achiavable goals that will help you reach the weekly goals. I think this is perhaps one of the most effective ways of getting quality work done.
Have a sense of purpose and destiny: life is short looking from a universal and historical perspective. You have a destiny and purpose that makes you feel joy and other good emotions. I've found that adopting a purpose and believing in a great destiny makes life seem longer and richer on meaning and creativity.
How To Be Rational & Irrational
Like humans we may think that we are superior to a lot of other animals in the animal kingdom. It's an understadable claim because we have a way more intellectual and strategic thinking brain than animals. We can imagine above and beyond the sky, far into the future and understand the history of evolution. Animals are deeply irrational and narcissistic with their needs, they don't consciously reflect about this or any of their actions. They just act with instinct.
We are humans, way more rational and can make plans and be effective with focused work. The collective humanity of the past and present have created boats, viachles, technology, instruments, invented machines, built cities and worked on creating an organized society, with entertainment like sports and movie theaters and resturants. That is civilized and intelligent compared to rest of the animal kingdom which is mostly uncivilized and irrational. Rational humans have learned to compromise, using their logical mind to work in teams and help each other. While irrational humans are acting purely based on impulsive emotions. We can see this happening on social media where many lonely depressed people can project their dark and not so rational and postitive emotions. We also witness it in the music industry where a lot of music is about destruction. It's obvious that some people are wasting their time wallowing in irrational emotions: instead of learning to apply the same energy into something more creative and lovable.
Here is a spiral of the wide range of human emotions that we all collectively experience,
There is one type of personality in modern age that seem emotioneless. And it's the deep narcissists. However, deep narcissists are actually wallowing in the lowest spiral of emotions due to past traumas which hinder them from being creative and genuinely happy. Deep narcissists are very insecure and can perhaps heal the emotional wounding through some form of spiritual transormation, religious transformation, deep creative work or therapy.
Creative humans with purpose claim to experience emotions of Joy, Knowledge, Empowerment, Freedom, Love, Appreciation, Passion and Hope. This blend of positive emotions is usually experienced by people that prioritize health, work and relationships to high standards and achieve success. Emotions plays a huge role in manifesting a creative and meaningful life. Even creatives however, remain just humans and experience the lowest spiral of emotions. The deep narcissist wallows in the lowest spiral of emotions: while the rational and creative person learn to use irrational emotions. To learn about themselves and channel the energy into physical training and work. By doing this they consciously change their emotions to the higher spiral of emotions again. They learn to find emotional balance and emotional mastery.
This makes creative people socially intelligent. Since they master their own emotions by doing work and self-reflection they learn to not project or act out dark emotions toward others. Creative athletes like Kobe Bryant and Micheal Jordan were highly aggressive, however they never really projected the anger onto other humans. It was just channeled into becoming two of the greatest basketball players to ever live. Regular humans in the past and present of all types admit to having bad emotions at times, perhaps after a sudden loss or something else. The majority of us are able to find a healthy balance, we often feel well and good, learn to deal and overcome pain and obstacles. And passionate work gives life meaning and hope.
Be Open Minded, Unleash Creativity.
Great things happen when we beld boldness with open mindedness. We dare to get after what we want in life with an open mind. Instead of thinking negatively about others, we realize that most people have their own worries and don't care what others are doing. When you feel free to act and be yourself without caring what others think. It's easier to be authenthic and creative at work, create genuine relationships and develop a streak of boldness or fearlessness. Creative people are risk takers, they act on ideas and dreams and eventually manifest the lifestyle they want. By learning to work past negative emotions to find creative gold and freedom.
Read: humans that read books and apply the knowledge into work can make creative parallels, create methaphors and use language in a creative way. So that it deeply effect the emotion of others as if you talking creates endoprhins in their mind. You create this effect by learning to focus and empathize in the moment. And reading trains those skills and help us attain more knoweldge from others. The best source of learning is from other humans and books. It keeps us balanced in life and makes work more endruable, creative and enjoyable.
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