The unconscious mind is in general more powerful than the conscious mind, and this can make the unconscious a very powerful ally for your life. But for many people it becomes a self-destructive shadow that seek short term pleasure in order to escape from the unconscious powers. And i'll explain more about this in the blog...

Unconscious Habits & Addictions.
The most productive and positive aspect of the unconscious mind, is that you can program new beliefs by developing new habits in your life. However, this can be very challenging for the unconscious shadow if it has begun to identify itself with self-destructive habits and addictions. The person is then possessed by the inner shadow: or one might call it the inner devil, and it works to destroy and harm the self. Thus people become addicted to drugs, alcohol, tv, social media, porn, and other forms of short term pleasure.
This is how addictions are formed, since the unconscious has been taught to be repress itself by society, schools and perhaps parents we learn to find means of escapisms. Activities that temporarily takes us away from everyday life. Perhaps we hate our jobs, or hate going to school and we cope with the negative emotions and reality by drinking alcohol in the evening, or smoking some weed, watching entertainment, eating sugar or something like that. If we repeat such behaviors for a long enough times it becomes habit.
I think many can relate because collectively we have been programmed by the society to normalize anxiety and depression: and then seek escape in technology or over-identify with labels like feminism or the red-pill movement. And identifying your creative soul with ego labels never work. You have to create new habits consciously to reprogram the unconscious and experience the integration of the shadow. Thus freeing your mind from the illusion of labels and unconscious negative habits. You dissolve the ego and become the creative self.
Negative emotions caused by primarily trauma keep us stuck in a state of mental worry which is also normalized by modern society. We unconsciously begin to project a falsified view of reality and think it's correct: we might project a lot of unconscious anger toward some label or cause, thinking the anger is justified? Like hating all feminists or hating all men: both examples project unconscious hatred probably stemming from unresolved traumas. An extreme example of shadow projection was the leader Stalin, who developed the unconscious habit of fearing and hating his father from a young age, his father would beat him and narcissistically project emotions of envy and hatred onto Stalin as a kid. When Stalin grew older he repressed these dark emotions into the unconscious shadow and never recovered. Deeply narcissistic as he was, he felt little to no empathy toward others and could easily pretend to be a saint, say the right words and idealize his narcissistic ego as the savior of the people: and once he got into a position of power, the repressed shadow emotions of hatred and envy acted itself out and unconsciously manifested hell on earth. Stalin ordered the killing of more than 20 million people before his death.
Understand The Shadow and Access The Unconscious.

Becoming conscious and integrating powerful life affirming habits is not only a physical redirection of the unconscious actions. It also requires a deeper understanding of the psyche and reality itself.
So what is the shadow? Carl Jung believed we all shared a collective unconscious: and within this unconscious reality: archetypes are governing the behaviors of man and woman. When demonic archetypes possess a person without his conscious awareness of psychics: the demonic archetype may force the person to engage in terrible self destructive habits he or she would never act out with conscious awareness. The shadow may become addicted to drugs and spiral downward into the bottomless mental state of hell. Where emotions of hate, helplessness, envy, fear and depression rules the mind, body and soul. Such a person is controlled by an unconscious archetypes and needs internal guidance from meditation or external guidance in form of a good therapist or guru to help re-discover emotions of love and connect with healing and good archetypes. The phenomena of the shadow is terrifying because it can only be understood by seeking within and realizing the demonic aspect of collective unconscious. Only then can we begin to redirect the demonic aspect of self into work and transcend it into creativity instead of destruction.
In other words, the shadow can never be repressed: it can only be accepted and understood. It needs an outlet, IT CANNOT BE REPRESSED. This is the problem modern man and woman face, you cannot stop viewing your phone because shadow emotions of anger and envy trigger your unconscious reaction to compare yourself with someone via social media. You cannot stop watching television because the political debates allows you too vicariously live through the screen and project shadow emotions the politician express. You cannot stop watching entertainment where people get murdered and hurt on the screen because your unconscious shadow vicariously experiences a sense of aliveness and thrill. In the heightened sense of adrenaline.
So if the shadow cannot be repressed, how does one channel it productively and REALLY begin to re-program the unconscious mind into transcending the animalistic shadow self into higher states of creative potential and peace of mind? The first aspect of developing new unconscious habits is to channel the shadow with physical productive activity. Humans have since the beginning of time exercised their bodies on a regular basis in order to survive, hunt food, fight predators, explore lands, and build stronger, healthier physiques. In this sense, the feeling of anger turns into something productive where you channel it toward training: like going for a long run consistently and working out consistently. You make activities like these your new unconscious habits to project the shadow productively instead of watching the screen and experience physical release from the shadow emotions.
After channeling your aggressive nature into a sport, running or weight lifting activity you will feel a sense of freedom and joy flowing through your veins. Your shadow was productively exhausted and nature rewards you with natural dopamine: making you feel presently alive and vital in the moment. Another effective way of channeling the shadow is through meditation: where you dig through the unconscious muscle memory through breathe and learn to accept the nature of self: you become one with your past, present and future. You become conscious of the unconscious beliefs and emotions by meditating and learn to let go of the past, embracing a much more joyful and peaceful presence and future.
Create Goals and Change Habits.
Now when we understand the reality of the shadow and why it's so difficult to manifest true mental, emotional and spiritual change. We can begin to use willpower, and longterm thinking to change everyday reality. For instance, if you're unconsciously overweight and want to become strong fit and healthy. Then Include physical exercise into your daily routine, make it a habit! And create a healthy everyday diet, make the diet a habit!
Perhaps you desire more knowledge, creativity, money and peace of mind but you are unconsciously addicted to watching tv shows three to five hours every evening. Then create an evening schedule like the following...
17.00 - 21.00: Decide daily business goals and work on improving the online business.
21.00 - 22.00: Read a book.
22.00 - 22.15: Meditate.
22.15 - 23.00: Spend time with lover and sleep?
And set one thirty day goal like "don't watch tv, stay disciplined with the schedule".
Something like that! Create a schedule that works for you and allows you to improve the areas of your life that you'd like to improve. You have to use willpower for 30 days, and then momentum will carry you upward. You cannot only think "I want to change this habit" because the unconscious mind will force you to act out on the programmed habit you want to remove or not act on the habit you want to implement. The unconscious body does this by creating emotions of laziness, lethargy and then the mind begins to create unconscious thoughts of excuses and procrastination. The process of making the unconscious conscious requires goal setting!
When you write goals and work through the process of achieving the goal even if emotions of fear and depression appear: you are integrating the unconscious into consciousness. An alcoholic for instance, that sets a goal of not drinking alcohol for thirty days, may find it extremely difficult to quit and at day three the unconscious emotions which was repressed by the alcohol starts to appear. Very REAL Shadow emotions of guilt, fear, loneliness, depression and perhaps rage will appear: and the addicted alcoholic has to seek within to battle the withdrawals and channel the shadow productively. Thinking about the emotions instead of practicing meditation or taking action toward productive tasks will only intensify the unconscious addiction and the alcoholic will find ways to rationalize the addiction and start drinking again. That's why most people relapse when they want to quit some addiction: wether it's phone addiction, porn, alcohol, drugs, the herb cannabis, tv, on and on...
The unconscious emotions and thoughts needs to engage in a new habit for 30 days and integrate itself into conscious awareness. In such a way, man and woman integrates the lower shadow nature productively and begins to unconsciously act out productive habits. This is how top athletes can exercise four to seven hours a day almost daily for many years. It's also how successful businessmen and women keep evolving their business past previous successes because the unconscious habit is to work on the business and act on new creative ideas. It's also how relationships can work wonders or become toxic: habits of conflicts are created or habits of understanding and empathy are created. So if you ever want to change your habits, remember that thirty days is the requirement and achieving such goals boosts your confidence, creativity, health, presence of mind and you starts the process of integrating the shadow into conscious awareness: making you a magnetic individual for abundance, success, loving relationships and spiritual growth experiences.
